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  • 人气: 30


I like doing sports and reading in my free time. My favorite sport is basketball. I often play basketball with my classmates after school and play with my friends on weekends. I like playing basketball because it can make me strong and health. When I play basketball, I forget all my worries and I can make lots of friends who have the same interest. In the evening when I finish doing my homework, I like reading because I can get lots of knowledge from books and the books can tell me more about China and the world. Books are our best friends and they can open our eyes,too. I like all kinds of books, story book, novels and so on.

农业银行贷款(农业银行贷款产品有哪些) 卡盟排行榜(哪个卡盟比较好) 新员工入职培训(银行新员工入职培训都包括哪些培训课程) 活动策划案(策划书格式是什么?需要包括哪些内容) 平安一账通(平安银行一账通是什么) 新相亲大会第二季(新相亲大会怎么没有第五季) 瓦妮莎 布莱恩特(瓦妮莎为什么也叫布莱恩特) 卢锡安出装(终极魔典卢锡安出装) 地红霉素肠溶片(咽炎吃地红霉素管用吗) 风田集成灶(风田集成灶照明开关在哪里?找不到)
